Links to my professional interests:
Dynamical Systems Web portal with news, software and tutorials
Nonlinear Faq, A very organized overview
Scholarpedia , A wiki on dynamical systems and neuroscience
CONTENT, see also
my notes
MatCont, a numerical continuation toolbox for Matlab for ODEs and MAPs
KWG, Dutch mathematical society
HomMap, continuation of homoclinic orbits for maps. I would like to know who is using this?
ADOL-C, automatic differentiation software
Math Dancing .
Links to my personal interests:
Blue Balls, Keep watching
Some favourite composers
Scriabin(wikipedia) and
If you want to discover music, look at the youtube channels
Hexameron (RIP!),
fyrexianoff and buy those discs.
Quote: "Das wir uns in der Welt verloren fühlen; ist völlig normal.", see Mannheim G4 #3, Pink rectangle on the Churchtower.
On using computers
Memory management is important; type
"sudo sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3" to free memory, as I learned here:
here .
Along this line I have experienced that the (roughly) same code in Python was much more efficient than Matlab, reducing computational effort from a full day to 3 hours.